Thursday, December 12, 2013

We Can Walk above the Ground with Swiss Halley


I returned to Chile with Swiss Halley, to the wonderful world of Huilo Huilo, and I have chosen another hotel from their offers – Canopy Village. The adventure seekers will like the next hotel, primarily, though, there will also be opportunities for relaxation. Nature-lovers preferred!



The main focus of Canopy Village is to make it possible for the fans of the flora and fauna to observe the unique creatures of the place. In line with this concept, they built this accommodation where we can sleep 1.5 meter above the ground in little houses made of wood, they are equipped with windows placed in special angles to make us able to observe every detail of the forest surrounding us. We can enjoy this special accommodation for 4 nights, it is 340 $ for 2 persons at Swiss Halley!


One of these little wooden houses is enough for 2-5 people, we can find here beds, camping table and chairs, bath, moreover, even electricity and heating are provided.

Since Swiss Halley’s first special hotel is also situated within this area, I have already mentioned a few attractions nearby, now I will show you even more programs. As I came up with adventure in the beginning, Snow Adventure Center will be our first destination.

We can try every kind of winter sports here, skiing, snowboard, motor sledges, not only the experienced but also begginers can find an appropriate ski-run.


Next to the above mentioned Nothofagus Hotel, we can also find Lawenko Spa where we can pamper our bodies and souls. Apart from heated pools, sauna, massage and pool bar serve the ones longing for recreation.


Naturally, besides the numerous opportunities, a simple walk in the forest, passing by lakes and waterfalls is also a great way to relax, in itself, so this hotel is also worth trying! You can book on the well-known site:

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